Asthma clinical trial

Join an Asthma clinical study and take a step toward finding a better solution for you.

 your application in under 2 minutes.


About the Trial

The purpose of this clinical trial is to determine how effective investigational medications are at treating Asthma. You may qualify to participate if you have been diagnosed with Asthma. Use the form below to see if you qualify.

Eligibility criteria

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    18 years of age and older

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    Have been diagnosed with Asthma for at least 12 months

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    Be using a daily corticosteroid (ICS) inhaler

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    Cannot also be diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, or COPD

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    No injectable biologic asthma medications in the last six months

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    No smoking in the last year

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Overview of trial

This is a clinical research study to test the benefits and safety of an investigational medication for asthma that is not well controlled despite treatment with inhaled corticosteroids. Trial-related procedures and study medication will be provided at no cost. Participants who qualify may be compensated for time and travel.

What to expect

These studies are testing an investigational oral medication compared to placebo.

Participants will continue their usual asthma medications and will also take twice daily doses of either the study medication or a placebo for 1 year (52 weeks).

Total study duration varies from 8 to 14 months with office visits.

Study procedures and tests will include physical exams, vital signs, blood and urine testing, lung function testing, electrocardiograms (ECGs), and asthma and health questionnaires.

Benefits of participation

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As simple as a doctor's visit

Get seen by top doctors in their field at no cost to you. Follow-up visits may be required.

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Earn money for your time

Financial compensation varies by study, you can earn compensation for your time and travel.

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No-cost study-related medical care

Participants can receive new and advanced medical treatment by leading doctors and hospitals.

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New treatments can't reach patients without clinical trial participants. Clinrol has connected with over 100,000 patients worldwide and is trusted by hundreds of clinics globally.

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Have control of your data

Keeping your information safe and secure using highest data standards.

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Free and easy to use

Empower patients with free access to the best clinical trials tailored to their condition.

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Verified trials only

All trials go through rigorous ethics review and independent review committee approvals.


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What is a clinical trial?


What does a typical clinical trial look like?


How can I check to see if I'm eligible for this trial?


What will it cost to participate in the trial?


What is an interventional study?


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