
Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn, and YouTube Ads for Clinical Trial Recruitment: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn, and YouTube Ads for Clinical Trial Recruitment: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn, and YouTube Ads for Clinical Trial Recruitment: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn, and YouTube Ads for Clinical Trial Recruitment: A Cost-Benefit Analysis



Clinical trial recruitment is a critical process in the development of new drugs, treatments, and therapies. Finding the right participants for a study is not always easy, and it often requires extensive outreach efforts. One effective way to reach potential participants is through online advertising. In this blog post, we'll compare the advantages and disadvantages, costs, and possible results of five different types of online advertising for clinical trial recruitment: Facebook ads, Google search ads, Quora ads, LinkedIn ads, and YouTube ads.

Facebook Ads


  • Wide reach: With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a vast audience for clinical trial recruitment ads.
  • Targeting options: Facebook's ad platform allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This targeting can help ensure that ads reach people who are most likely to be interested in participating in a clinical trial.
  • Visual appeal: Facebook ads can include images or videos to help grab users' attention and communicate the study's purpose.
  • Cost-effective: Facebook ads are often less expensive than other forms of online advertising.


  • Limited text: Facebook ads are limited to a certain number of characters, which can make it challenging to communicate the full study details.
  • Low click-through rate: Facebook users may be less likely to click on ads than users on other platforms.


The cost of Facebook ads varies depending on the targeting options, ad format, and competition for ad space. According to Wordstream, the average cost per click (CPC) for a Facebook ad is around $1.72.

Possible results:

Facebook ads have the potential to generate a large number of clicks and impressions. However, the effectiveness of the ads will depend on the targeting and messaging used in the ad.

Google Search Ads


  • High intent audience: People who search for clinical trial information on Google are likely interested in participating, making Google search ads a good way to reach a high intent audience.
  • Ad copy control: Google search ads allow for more extensive ad copy than Facebook ads, which can help convey study details.
  • Cost-effective: Google search ads are often less expensive than other forms of online advertising.


  • Limited reach: Google search ads will only be shown to people who are actively searching for clinical trial information.
  • High competition: The cost of Google search ads can be driven up by high competition for keywords related to clinical trials.


The cost of Google search ads varies depending on the competition for keywords and the quality score of the ad. According to Wordstream, the average CPC for a Google search ad is around $2.69.

Possible results:

Google search ads have the potential to generate a high click-through rate and attract a highly interested audience. However, the effectiveness of the ads will depend on the ad copy and targeting used in the ad.

Quora Ads


  • Targeted audience: Quora allows for precise targeting based on the topics people follow and the questions they ask.
  • High engagement: Quora users are highly engaged with the platform and may be more likely to interact with ads.
  • Low competition: Quora ads may have less competition than ads on other platforms.


  • Limited reach: Quora's user base is smaller than Facebook or Google, which could limit the potential audience for clinical trial recruitment ads.
  • Limited ad formats: Quora ads are limited to a few different formats, which may not be as visually appealing as other ad types.


The cost of Quora ads varies depending on the targeting options, ad format, and competition for ad space. According to Wordstream, the average CPC for a Quora ad is around $1.00.

Possible results:

Quora ads have the potential to generate high-quality leads for clinical trial recruitment, especially for people looking for healthcare information. However, the limited audience and ad format options could limit the potential reach within a budget.

LinkedIn Ads


  • Professional audience: LinkedIn's user base is focused on professional networking, making it a good platform for clinical trial recruitment ads targeted towards professionals in the healthcare industry.
  • Precise targeting: LinkedIn's targeting options allow for precise targeting based on job titles, industries, and company size.
  • Ad format options: LinkedIn ads offer a range of ad formats, including sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads.
  • High-quality leads: LinkedIn users tend to have higher education levels and professional qualifications, making them potentially high-quality leads for clinical trial recruitment.


  • High costs: LinkedIn ads tend to be more expensive than other forms of online advertising, which could limit the number of people reached within a budget.
  • Limited audience: LinkedIn's user base is smaller than Facebook or Google, which could limit the potential audience for clinical trial recruitment ads.


The cost of LinkedIn ads varies depending on the targeting options, ad format, and competition for ad space. According to Wordstream, the average CPC for a LinkedIn ad is around $5.26.

Possible results:

LinkedIn ads have the potential to generate high-quality leads for clinical trial recruitment. However, the high costs could limit the number of people reached within a budget.

YouTube Ads


  • High engagement: YouTube users tend to be highly engaged with the platform, which can lead to higher engagement rates for ads.
  • Ad format options: YouTube ads offer a range of ad formats, including skippable and non-skippable ads, bumper ads, and display ads.
  • Visual appeal: YouTube ads can include videos that help communicate the study's purpose and appeal to potential participants.
  • Precise targeting: YouTube's targeting options allow for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.


  • Limited audience: Not everyone may use YouTube for healthcare information or research, which could limit the potential audience for clinical trial recruitment ads.
  • Competition: Competition for ad space on YouTube can be high, driving up costs.


The cost of YouTube ads varies depending on the targeting options, ad format, and competition for ad space. According to Wordstream, the average cost per view (CPV) for a YouTube ad is around $0.10.

Possible results:

YouTube ads have the potential to generate high engagement and a strong visual appeal for clinical trial recruitment. However, the limited audience and high competition could limit the potential reach within a budget.


Each ad platform - Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn, and YouTube - has its own set of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to clinical trial recruitment.

Facebook ads offer a large and diverse audience, sophisticated targeting options, and a range of ad formats, but may face issues with ad fatigue and low engagement rates.

Google search ads can reach people actively searching for healthcare information and offer precise targeting based on keywords, but may have high competition for ad space and require ongoing optimization.

Quora ads offer a highly targeted audience and low competition for ad space, but may have limited ad format options and a smaller user base compared to Facebook or Google.

LinkedIn ads provide access to a professional audience and precise targeting options, but can be more expensive than other platforms and have a smaller user base.

YouTube ads offer high engagement and visual appeal, with a range of ad format options, but may have limited reach within a budget and a smaller audience for healthcare information.

Overall, the best platform for clinical trial recruitment will depend on the study's specific needs and goals, as well as the available budget. It's important to carefully consider the target audience, ad format options, and costs for each platform when deciding where to invest advertising resources. A multi-platform approach, using a combination of these platforms, may also be effective for maximising reach and engagement.

Need help setting up your clinical trial recruitment ads? Contact us through email

Sources for this blog:

Additionally, data on average costs per click (CPC) for each platform was obtained from Wordstream's website: Please note that these costs are only intended to provide a general idea and may vary depending on a variety of factors.

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